Is your document between 60,001 to 70,000 words?
If so order here.
We have helped over 2,500 customers in 50 countries worldwide with 5,000+ documents
How long does it take?
It will take 9 working days
from the time the order is received. EXCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. WE ARE CLOSED WEEKENDS.
If you order before 9am (in the morning) it counts as the first day
If you order after 9am (in the morning) we count from the next day
We will return the document between by email between 5 and 7pm on the return day.
If you have NOT received your document after 7pm PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK folder!
How to order:
- First you put your word count in and a price will be calculated.
- Click “add to cart”
- Then you will be redirected to an order summary page click the “proceed to checkout” button
- You will be redirected to the checkout page where you upload the document and fill in your details.
- Click “proceed to Paypal” to place your order.
- Your order is complete! You will receive an email confirmation confirming it.
What we check:
We use the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word so that you will see all of the amendments that we have made. We include one round of editing in the price we quote. Two expert, native English proofreaders will check your work – we are the only UK company that offers this. Our service includes proofreading and editing – other companies charge more for editing.
Full explanation of what we check and correct:
We add helpful comments to help you improve your writing.
Note: We do not check references (in the reference list) as part of this service nor do we reduce the word count to fit within a certain limit.
Our professional editors correct the following:
Sentence structure
Word choice
Academic style
Academic tone
Verb tense
Correct use of UK English