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Cost of proofreading a PhD

PhD thesis proofreading cost: How much does it cost to proofread a PhD?

If you are almost finished writing your PhD thesis perhaps you are considering having it looked over by a professional editor?

You are probably wondering how much it costs to proofread a PhD. In this article we address this common question and break down the costs.

Per page or per 1,000 words? That is the question

The first thing to understand is that proofreading companies will charge differently from freelancers.

Freelancers mostly will charge by the hour and need to work this backwards to give you a final quote. This makes it hard to obtain an exact quote beforehand. The freelancer in question will need to assess your thesis, work out their average proofreading/editing speed then see how many hours it will take and multiply this by their price per hour.

We charge per 1,000 words

Thus this is why at London Proofreaders we charge a flat rate per 1,000 words. As an experienced academic editing company that has edited hundreds of PhD theses, we know fairly accurately how long it will take us to proofread a thesis. Flat rate pricing ensures that you can be confident the price will not change. It is just a better method.

Why we don’t charge per page

We found that pages from PhDs can vary greatly in terms of length. Think about it: there are variations in font size, spacing, margins and tables and figures. That means one thesis may have 600 words per page and another 250!

Our PhD thesis proofreading prices

So to get an idea of how much it will cost for us to proofread and edit your thesis take your word count, then multiply this by the rate per word.

Not sure how to find your word count? Look in the bottom left hand corner of the document when it is open in Microsoft Word.

50,000 words60,000 words70,000 words80,000 words

Want to get an exact price? Visit our “prices” page.

Why choose our PhD proofreading service – 10 years’ experience

We have proofread over 500 PhD theses from every field imaginable.

Our services combines proofreading at the superficial level and editing at the sentence level.

To find out all the details of what our proofreading and editing service checks, who our editors are and how long it takes, visit our PhD proofreading page – click here.

Or if you would like to head over to our order page you can do so below and follow the simple steps to order.

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What our customers say

My writing reads more fluently

As good as their word. I sent my writing on Friday afternoon and thought I’d get my work back after two business days. So I was surprised to get my proofread document back by the Monday. My writing now reads more fluently. I highly recommend this proofreading service.

The best proofreading services

The best proofreading services, highly recommend it to everyone :) Documents always returned on time or ealier :)

Very satisfied

I received my proofreading very quickly. They show up each amendment individually, what is very helpful. I am very satisfied!

I do not hesitate to recommend London Proofreaders

Received the personal statement with corrections within the two day deadline. The statement looks more professional. I do not hesitate to recommend London Proofreaders. Thank you for a great service.