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How to get fast proofreading

Imagine the scenario. It’s 4pm. 6 hours to your deadline. Crumpled empty Red Bull cans lie scattered around your desk. Open books are piled one on top of the other. You have written 2,230 words and still have to reach the essay’s 2,500 minimum word count. You hunker down and in a 15 minute spurt of brilliance fly through the remaining 250 odd words. Now it’s 4.15pm. It all looks okay. But you have been working for 5 hours straight and your head is foggy after last night’s party. You are sure there are errors in the essay you have completely overlooked. You reread the essay. And once more. Nothing stands out…it all looks okay.

This is where a set of expert eyes could really help quell the anxious voice in your mind that keeps asking: “Is this essay good enough? Am I losing marks that I don’t need to be?”

Our expert editors at London Proofreaders step in, scouring your essay for errors of grammar, spelling, punctuation, style and tone. You order our 3 hour proofreading service and receive your edited work back, error-free and ready to hand in, just 3 hours later.

Unfortunately, the above scenario is all too common.

In this blog I want to talk a little bit about our express proofreading services and why you should consider them.

If our standard turnaround times aren’t quick enough for you then why not consider our express service?

We are noted for a quick proofreading and editing service on our standard turnaround times, but we understand that there are some clients who need even faster editing. 

With this in mind, we developed a range of turnaround times to suit every need. 

We have a range of services for quick turnarounds and some of the fastest time frames in the UK. 

We have a popular 3 hour, 6 hour, 24 hour48 hour services. They cater for a range of word counts up to 25,000. As far as we are aware these are the quickest return times in the UK in terms of the word count that we can check.

Did you know? We are the only UK proofreading company that offers a 3 hour turnaround. As quick as lightning, some say!

To find out more about our express service visit this page.

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