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Essay writing tips

Essay writing is an art form. You need the perfect balance between conciseness, academic rigour and original thought to succeed.

In this blog post we consider three methods you can use to improve the quality of your essay writing

Use less common sources

On your course you have a range of recommended texts and those are the ones that most people will cite in their essays. However, you want to set yourself apart from the crowd. You want to show that you have read widely in constructing your argument. You can do this by avoiding the obvious texts and sources like Wikipedia and reading dissertations and theses around the topic. Think out of the box. Investigate more obscure sources that relate to your argument.

Get proofreading

Using an essay proofreading service is a perfect way to ensure that you take your essay up a notch. Our expert editors can find errors in your paragraphs and phrasing that you would not be able to find – they are academic writing experts after all! As a rule of thumb, you could boost your marks by 5 to 10% which as I am sure you will agree can make a difference to the mark you receive.

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We strengthen your essay by improving your sentence structure, word choice and consistency in style. Our editors will comment on redundant phrases, vague language, and confusing constructions to help you have a clear argument.

Perfect your academic style and tone by avoiding these common mistakes

Tip 1 –

The term ‘research’. It is one of those weird English words that is not used in the plural. So,
Say:  ‘There have been many studies into…’
Or:  ‘There has been much research into…’ (and you can still then discuss several pieces of research)
Rather than: ‘There have been many researches into…’

Tip 2 –

Using the singular with ‘et al‘. A mistake we commonly see when we proofread essays is that students will write something like ‘Jones et al. states that the earth is flat’. This is incorrect as ‘et al’ stands for ‘and others’ so is equivalent to saying ‘Jones, Jakes and Johnson’ which would take the singular ‘state’. Thus the correct sentence should be ‘ ‘Jones et al. state…’.

We hope you have found these tips useful. Keep reading our blog for more help with your academic writing.

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