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Kindest regards meaning

Kindest regards” (or “kind regards’) is a classic choice in email sign-offs. Its purpose is to convey good wishes to the recipient while maintaining a balance between formality and friendliness. 

When to use “kindest regards”

Kindest regards is a safe bet for most professional interactions and is suitable for reaching out to new acquaintances, clients, or anyone you don’t share an extensive history with. This sign-off is also suitable for use when communicating with a colleague on a senior level, such as your manager or supervisor.

Example of an email in which the sender would use kindest regards:

Dear Jess,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support and assistance you provided during the recent project. I look forward to having future collaborations with you.

Kindest regards,


Comparing “Kindest Regards” with Similar Phrases

Here are the alternatives to “kindest regards” and when to use them.

1. “Best Regards” still conveys courtesy and esteem but in a less formal tone than “kindest regards”. It’s perfect for interactions with those you’re more familiar with – the ones you’ve already established a rapport with.

2. “Warmest Regards” is used to correspond with someone on a more personal level–someone whom you have developed a friendship with.

3. “Regards” is the same as “best regards” and this is often used when writing to someone you have a solid working relationship.

4. “Yours Faithfully” is typically used as a formal email sign-off when you are addressing someone you do not know personally. It is used when you open the email with “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam.”

5. “Yours Sincerely” is used when you know the recipient’s name or you have addressed them with “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name].”

Remember, choosing the right closing can leave a lasting impression on your recipients, so it’s worth considering the level of formality you wish to convey in each email.

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