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Is proofreading allowed at UK universities?

Is proofreading allowed at UK universities?

The short answer is – YES!

The majority of UK universities ALLOW proofreading. However, we must point out that there are a handful who DO NOT allow proofreading AT ALL. Remember it is up to you to ensure that your faculty allows proofreading. 

The longer answer? It may depend on your university, faculty or even type of document you are working on.

UK universities that allow proofreading

Here is a selection of universities that we have checked allow proofreading.

University of East Anglia – Yes.

Sussex – Yes.

Sheffield Hallam University – Yes

Warwick  – Yes

Bournemouth University – Yes. But not allowed to “substantially change” the work.

Keele University – Yes.

University of Bradford – Yes, but not ideal.

Pay for a proof-reading service – this is not an education institution’s preferred solution as it does not stretch the student and will not guarantee their competence once in the world of work. (policy

University of Leicester – Yes (policy)

Manchester – Yes (policy

Reading – Yes (policy)

UK universities that DO NOT allow proofreading

Surprisingly there were some universities that didn’t allow proofreading. Here they are:

Leeds – No. (policy

Oxford – No, if under 10,000 words.

The use of third party proof-readers is not permitted for work where the word limit is fewer than 10,000 words. (policy

University of Brighton – Not really allowed or as they put it “strongly discouraged.” (policy

The use of professional proofreaders or services offered as ‘proof reading’ or ‘editorial services’ is strongly discouraged. The University does not consider this to be conducive to the development of students’ own academic writing skills and the student may run the major risk that such assistance may constitute academic misconduct.

Our proofreading service complies with UK university policies

When you use London Proofreaders you can rest assured that our service will comply with guidelines outlined by most UK universities.

We correct:

  • spelling
  • grammar
  • punctuation
  • word choice
  • capitalisation

The document is returned to you with the “tracked changes” marked allowing you to accept or reject the final changes, as per university guidelines.

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My writing reads more fluently

As good as their word. I sent my writing on Friday afternoon and thought I’d get my work back after two business days. So I was surprised to get my proofread document back by the Monday. My writing now reads more fluently. I highly recommend this proofreading service.

The best proofreading services

The best proofreading services, highly recommend it to everyone :) Documents always returned on time or ealier :)

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I received my proofreading very quickly. They show up each amendment individually, what is very helpful. I am very satisfied!

I do not hesitate to recommend London Proofreaders

Received the personal statement with corrections within the two day deadline. The statement looks more professional. I do not hesitate to recommend London Proofreaders. Thank you for a great service.