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Book proofreading service

Book proofreading services

Have you written a book and need assistance with proofreading and editing to give it a professional polish? Then our expert book proofreading service may be just what you need. We have a team of expert native English editors who can help you proofread and edit your book to professional standards.

What our book proofreading service checks

We include both proofreading and editing in the price of our service and work with both fiction and non-fiction books.

Proofreading checks grammar, spelling and punctuation. On the other hand, editing takes a deeper look at the sentence structure, word choice, consistency and flow of the document. We use the “tracked changes” feature in Word to mark the changes.

The service includes a one page summary of some big picture issues that could be improved.

Our difference – we use two proofreaders on your book

We differ from other online proofreading companies in that we use two expert editors on every book manuscript that is sent to us. We use the “track changes” feature in Word to highlight our suggested changes and make comments where applicable.

Our proofreading services are for both works of fiction (young adult fiction, romance and children’s novels, travelogues) and non-fiction (including memoirs).

Our proofreaders

We have a team of expert native English proofreaders who are skilled when it comes to both works of fiction and non-fiction.

What books do we proofread and edit?

All types of books including:

Science fiction, satire, drama, action and adventure, romance, mystery, horror, self help, travel, children’s, religious, science, history, math, anthologies, poetry, comics, art, cookbooks, diaries, prayer books, series, trilogies, biographies, autobiographies and fantasy.

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What our customers say

My writing reads more fluently

As good as their word. I sent my writing on Friday afternoon and thought I’d get my work back after two business days. So I was surprised to get my proofread document back by the Monday. My writing now reads more fluently. I highly recommend this proofreading service.

The best proofreading services

The best proofreading services, highly recommend it to everyone :) Documents always returned on time or ealier :)

Very satisfied

I received my proofreading very quickly. They show up each amendment individually, what is very helpful. I am very satisfied!

I do not hesitate to recommend London Proofreaders

Received the personal statement with corrections within the two day deadline. The statement looks more professional. I do not hesitate to recommend London Proofreaders. Thank you for a great service.