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As well as synonym

“As well as” functions as a conjunction or preposition, indicating a comparison between two things, especially when emphasising words that come before it. When used properly, ‘as well as’ will help clarify your sentence by introducing related information.

“As well as” versus “and”

Many people confuse ‘as well as’ with ‘and’. However, it is important to realise that while both terms are used to connect words in a sentence, they serve slightly different purposes.

Example 1: “The company focuses on quality, as well as customer satisfaction.” 

This example suggests that the company gives importance to both quality and customer satisfaction, with a slight emphasis on customer satisfaction.

Example 2: James enjoys swimming and surfing.

This example indicates that he enjoys both activities without emphasising one of them.

Remember, the correct tense for subjects linked by ‘and’ is always plural, while the tense for two subjects joined by ‘as well as’ is singular.

Example 3: “She likes reading as well as writing.”

Example 4: “Both Sarah and George are excellent writers.”

It is also important to note that the ‘and’ cannot be replaced with the ‘as well as’ in the expression “Both… and …”. In doing so, you will change the meaning of the sentence, and it may imply that the other part is less important. 

Exploring Synonyms for “As Well As”

A. Likewise

This indicates similarity or agreement.

Example: Dean enjoys playing the guitar; likewise, his sister is a talented pianist.

B. In addition to

This term reinforces an additional item or element. It indicates that there is something else being considered beyond the main subject.

Example: James speaks three languages fluently; in addition to English and German, he is also proficient in Spanish.

C. Along with

This signifies companionship–that something is joining the primary item.

Example: Jack meticulously corrected spelling errors, along with putting feedback for improvements.

D. Besides

This signifies that there is something else to consider alongside the main point.

Example: The document was flawless after proofreading, besides minor punctuation adjustments.

E. Coupled with

This emphasises the joint effect of two or more elements to achieve a certain outcome.

Example: His smile, coupled with his thoughtful actions, brightened my day.

In conclusion, understanding how to use ‘as well as’ in writing helps us convey nuance and complexity more effectively. When we use the above-mentioned alternatives thoughtfully, we can improve our ability to foster better connections and communicate information. To make sure your document looks polished before you submit or publish it, you might want to think about using a proofreading service.

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